Let’s join forces

They say that there is strength in unity… Joining our adventure means enriching your spirit, giving way to new synergies and building the future together.

Collaborations and partnerships

Établir des collaborations et des partenariats a toujours été un élément central de notre stratégie et nous aide chaque jour à développer nos affaires plus efficacement. De par nos valeurs et notre vision, nous sommes naturellement menés à collaborer avec des acteurs dans de nombreux domaines et nous créons ainsi des synergies. Nous sommes ouverts à toute nouvelle rencontre, quel que soit l’intérêt que vous y voyez (commercial, financier, idéal, artistique, politique, etc.) et peu importe la taille de votre structure. Si l’idée d’une possible collaboration ou partenariat vous interpelle, nous vous invitons à nous contacter.

#synergies #développer #affaires

Contributors and investors

For each of our projects, we assess the financial needs and risks in order to define a long-term sustainability strategy and find the best possible form of implementation. When founding a new structure for our brands or during a financing stage, investment and contribution opportunities in different forms may present themselves. If you would like to contribute or invest in one of our existing or future projects, we invite you to contact us.

#prenounce #financing #opportunity


As part of our development process for our various brands, we are regularly looking for new committed people who want to support our activities and our brands. Different types of collaboration are possible depending on the projects, temporary or permanent, employee or independent, specific or transversal to activities. You can send us your proposal at any time via our contact form.

#talent #development #collaboration

The company

Yan Haltey is the name of a company and a group of brands. It is also the name of its founder, creator, artistic soul, free electron in perpetual movement.

Our values

Our values are the pillar of our identity and are reflected across all of our brands.

Let’s join forces

They say that there is strength in unity… Joining our adventure means enriching your spirit, giving way to new synergies and building the future together.

Our activity

Let’s dare to believe in our dreams and gather the necessary means to make them come true. Our activity consists of evaluating ideas, defining the path to take and implementing the necessary means to enable our projects to flourish.


For any request, we invite you to contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.