
For any request, we invite you to contact us via our form or by WhatsApp messaging. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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    Where to find us?


    Head office and premises

    On appointment

    Yan Haltey Brands Sàrl
    Rue Saint-Martin 32 – 1005 Lausanne

    View on Google Maps

    Lausanne secondary office

    On appointment

    Impact Hub Lausanne
    Av. Bergières 10 – 1004 Lausanne

    Geneva office

    On appointment

    Impact Hub Geneva
    1, Rue Fendt – 1201 Geneva

    Let’s join forces

    They say that there is strength in unity… Joining our adventure means enriching your spirit, giving way to new synergies and building the future together.

    The company

    Yan Haltey is the name of a company and a group of brands. It is also the name of its founder, creator, artistic soul, free electron in perpetual movement.

    Our values

    Our values are the pillar of our identity and are reflected across all of our brands.